Import & Export of Phonebook Entries

To import up to 1000 phonebook entries you need a CSV file with column headers on the first line and each contact entry on a single line with fields separated by a comma, e.g.:


Jules,Verne,Imagine Inc.,979755868,255645622,255633564,jules@imagine.kom,82503639

To import the company phonebook entries into 3CX via the Management Console:

  1. Download the sample phonebook CSV file and populate it with your phonebook entries.
  2. Go to “Contacts” and select “Import”.
  3. Browse and select your saved CSV file to import your contact entries into 3CX Contacts.

To export 3CX Contacts entries to a CSV file:

  1. Go to “Contacts” and select “Export”.
  2. Click “Save” to export.