Arbor Guide - Adding incidents

Accumulating Points

We currently operate two separate points systems in Arbor. One is for tracking the accumulation of negative points (Behaviour Points) and one is for tracking the Accumulation of positive points (Achievement Points). In order to award either positive or negative points you must log a behaviour incident. You cannot award points directly without creating an incident. Please do not use the Record Behaviour / Achievement Points buttons.

Adding a behaviour Incident

You can add a behaviour incident in multiple places. They all root back to the same interface but there is an important difference between adding a point from your lesson dashboard and everywhere else. If you add a behaviour incident from your lesson dashboard (accessed by clicking on a lesson in your calendar), it will automatically be populated with information about the lesson. Incidens added from other locations such as Quick Actions for example will not populate these fields. If the incident happened in a lesson, use the lesson dashboard to log it. Otherwise you can use Quick Actions.

Once you have selected to add a behaviour incident you will be presented with the Log New Behavioural Incident Menu. An example of this menu can be seen below.

The fields highlighted in yellow are automatically populated if you log the behaviour from the lesson dashboard. If you log the incident from the Quick Action menu you will need to add the date and time of the incident manually. It is not compulsory to include an event as some incidents may happen outside of scheduled activities.

The Teachers/staff field highlighted in orange is automatically populated with the person logging the incident and/or the teacher taking the lesson if the behaviour is logged through the lesson dashboard. You may need to add / remove staff accordingly. Please note this field gives you ownership of the event, it’s different to the notification field which is used to notify selected staff that the incident has occurred. 

The fields highlighted in red are compulsory and must be selected when logging an incident. If you’ve logged the incident via a lesson dashboard you will only be able to see the students in that particular lesson. If you’ve added the event from anywhere else you will be able to add any student in the school.

The behaviour field  includes all available behaviour types available for you to use. They are listed from most negative at the top (behaviour types carrying the most amount of negative points) to most positive at the bottom. 

The tick box highlighted in purple should be used if you create a negative event. This will create separate incidents for each student so you can assign detentions separately.

Important note on the Incident Summary field. Please include a complete incident summary for the behaviour unless you are adding single RAISE points. Summaries attached to detentions will be used by support staff to give parents information about the incident if it’s requested; While summaries for Student of the week, Feel Good Friday and Principal Award are sent home in an email to parents when they are added.

Positive (Achievement) Points

In order to add an Achievement Point you must log a behaviour incident as outlined above. You cannot award points directly without creating an incident. Once you have completed the first page on the Log New Behaviour menu click next and you’ll see a summary of the incident you are about to create (see below). If you’re happy with the incident click the log incident button and your done. The table below shows the Achievement points available, remember they are all at the bottom of the behaviour field list.




A1 Resilience


Form Tutor

A2 Aspiration


Form Tutor

A3 Independence


Form Tutor

A4 Success


Form Tutor

A5 Engagement


Form Tutor

Feel Good Friday


Form Tutor, parents

Student of the Week


Form Tutor, parents, HOSPs

Principal Award


Form Tutor, parents, HOSPs, Principal

Notifications for staff appear in the top right corner of the Arbor dashboard . Notifications to parents / guardians are sent via email when the incident is logged.