*This is dummy data from Arbor*

The Download Student List allows you to download data into a PDF or Excel file. This includes student data and demographic information, consents, enrolment data, contact information, attendance statistics and guardian user information.

The Download Student List button appears all over the site wherever you might want to quickly get student data, such as in a Trip or in student Enrolments.

As with all areas of Arbor, staff members can only see the information that they have permission to view. 




When you click the Download Student List button, you can choose which data to download into a student list, and in which order.



How to use the feature

First, select the cohort of students you would like to consider. You can select CurrentFormer or Future students, or a combination.



Next, use the search on the left-hand side to search for any columns you would like to include in your student list table.



To select a column, click the column title and drag and drop it into the Added Columns section on the right-hand side of the page.



To amend the title of a column, click the pencil icon.



In the slide over, amend the title. From here you can also choose what, if anything, displays in the summary row of the table.



To reorder your columns, click the column titles and drag and drop them into the right order in the Added Columns section on the right-hand side of the page.



Next, add a sorting if needed. this determines what order results will display in. Click the 'and also show...' link to add sorting.



In the slide over, select the column that will determine the sorting.



You can then choose whether the results will be sorted A-Z (lowest to highest if numerical) or Z-A (highest to lowest if numerical).



The final step is to add a collation if needed. This will group results together based on the criteria you select. If you select year groups, all your students in year 6 will be grouped together. In the example below, collation by year group combined with the sorting by name means all the year 6 students will display together, and the students in each year section will be sorted alphabetically by name.



You can download the list to Excel or PDF by clicking the green buttons at the bottom of the page!





Please note: Only information that you normally have access to view will be output. Any fields you do not have permission to view will be greyed out.


Where can I use this feature?

The Download Student List button appears all over the site wherever you might want to quickly get student data.

The quickest way to download the student list is by going to Students > Enrolment, but there are loads of other places you can access this feature! 

See the table below for all the places this button appears, and any settings that are pre-filled when accessing the list from this area of Arbor.


Default settings

School > School Structure > School Year Setup > Academic Calendar or School > School Structure > Academic Years > Select year

Included Students - Current

Collations - Year group(s) on today's date

School > Programmes > Courses > Select Course

Included Students - Current

School > School Structure > Custom Groups > Select Custom Group

Included Students - Current

Students > Enrolment > Year Groups

Included Students - Current

Collations - Year group(s) on today's date

Students > Enrolment > Registration Forms

Included Students - Current

Collations - Registration form(s) on today's date

Students > Enrolment > Registration Forms > Select Registration Form

Included Students - Current 

Students > All Students > Applicants > Select Intake Season

No option to select 'Included Students' - Will display current students only

  • Registration Form Overview
  • Class Overview
  • Lesson Session Overview
  • Trip Overview
  • Club Overview
No option to select 'Included Students' - Will display current students only