Drive cheat sheet

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Keep all your work in one secure place with online file storage.

After you store your files in Google Drive, you can share them with others and access them on any computer, smartphone, or tablet. When you change or delete a file stored in one of these locations, Drive makes the same change everywhere else so you don’t have to.

Get Drive: Web (, Android, or iOS


1. Click Plus New to...

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A Upload any file (such as Microsoft® Outlook® files, Adobe® PDF files, and videos) or folder from your computer.

B Create new documents right in your browser.

Upload or create items in Drive


Example uses

Docs Google DocsText documents

Proposals, reports, shared meeting notes

Sheets Google SheetsSpreadsheets

Project plans, budget sheets

Slides Google SlidesPresentations

Pitch decks, training modules, team presentations

Forms Google FormsSurveys

Customer satisfaction surveys, group polls

Drawing Google DrawingsShapes, charts, and diagrams

Flowcharts, organizational charts, website wireframes, mind maps

Sites Google SitesWebsites

Team sites, project sites, resume sites


2. Work with files stored in Drive." "

Access Drive features


3. Share your files and folders by clicking Share Share and then choose what collaborators can do. They'll get an email notification, too." "

 Delete files & foldersAdd & remove files and foldersShare or unshare files and foldersEdit files

Comment or suggest edits in files

View files & folders

Is owner
Can edit
Can comment
Can view


4. Add shared files to My Drive." "

Note: When you move a shared file to My Drive, it only moves the file in your view, not in anyone else’s.

Add shared files


5. Access your files from any device." "

Browser or deviceRequirementsHow to access
Web browser Web browser (any device)Install any web browser.

Go to

Computer ComputerInstall Drive File Stream from the Drive Help Center.

Click Drive File Stream Drive File Stream and then Open Google Drive Folder.

Mobile device Mobile devices

Install the Drive app from the Play Store (Android) or App Store (iOS®).

Open the Drive app on your device.